Tuesday, 30 May 2017

5 Reasons to visit Rome

When I was a kid I used to travel a lot with my parents. I even lived for long periods of three or more years in different countries like Belgium, Honduras, Morocco or the U.S.A.

When I was a student and during my early years of working life (as an intern) I had so little money that I couldn´t afford a trip. Now that my life has changed and improved since I moved to my hometown, I wanted to visit Rome with my savings.
I love to travel because, I come back to home with a completely different outlook, more inspired and enriched by the singularity of each place.

1. The Beauty of the City

Rome is beautiful. One of the most charming and fascinating cities in Europe. What I love about this place is that it is full of contrasts, it is the pillar of occidental culture, but at the same time it is chaotic and full of life. It was a pleasure to walk along the Tiber River, the tiny cobbled streets or to discover accidentally a masterpiece of art or architecture. It was really touching to see all these iconic places and to imagine what Rome was like at the time of its greatness, when it was the capital of knowledge, supremacy and progress. 

2. History, Art & Architecture

You can find a piece of Art and History at any corner of this city. It blew my mind to see the perfection that they achieved millions of years ago in all the fields with less means. What I personally liked the best was the ruins of Circus Maximus, Forum Romanum and Palazzo Palatino. The city of Vatican and the Colosseo are a must-see, but they are full of tourists while the other places were more spacious and with less visitors. All the Museums in Rome are marvelous: Musei Vaticani e Cappella Sistina, Musei e Galleria Borghese, Palazzo Altemps...But my favorite was the Musei Capitolini, because it was very comfortable to visit, had the most magnificent sculptures that I have ever seen and there were just a very few people. As you can tell, I'm quite stressed with crowds...My most-loved church was Santa Maria in Trastevere with its mesmerizing mosaics. The fountains are everywhere, but the one that I highly recommend is the Fontana Dell'Acqua Paola, because it has a breathtaking view and again, there is barely nobody at this magnificent spot of tranquil crystalline water. A picturesque fountain that you will love to see.

3. The Freedom to Walk Easily

I love to stroll, see and discover things and Rome is a great city for pedestrians, even though you have to be careful because Romans drive like crazy people and the sidewalks and the priorities are not always very clear. 
My absolutely most enjoying part of this trip was to explore hidden gems, peaceful tiny places of nature where you are almost alone and you can actually listen to the birds. Villa Sciarra is a gorgeous place, a secret park surrounded by cypresses that is located in a enchanting neighborhood. The Giardino Degli Aranci also worth the visit with its incredible view of the city and its beautiful Orange Trees. A very romantic lovely little spot not far from all the important ruins to visit. Last, but not least, the Orto Botanico in my cherished Trastevere, a lush blooming green place to find serenity.

4. The Food 

The food, OMG, the food!I didn't stop eating during the entire trip and I'm not ashamed. The pasta, the pizza the gelato!!! Everything was delicious. If you are like me and you love very authentic places located in bohemian and eclectic districts, here are some recommendations for you.

Osteria numero 6, is the best home style italian food that I have ever tasted. You have to book a table first and ask to eat on the terrace, because that is the charming part of this place with its red checked tablecloths. The burrata with rocket was so fresh, the Melanzane Alla Parmigiana was so tasty and if this wasn't enough, my boyfriend ordered fresh pasta Alla Matriciana and pasta with Funghi Porcini e Tartuffo for me. For dessert, we had, of course, a homemade Tiramisu with the best foamy cappuccinos... We ate a lot, but we had a blast!
Grazie e Graziella is also a very good place to eat, with the best laid back atmosphere and a great ambiance at any time. In this restaurant I ate, for the first time, the Caccio e Peppe pasta. Cream, Pecorino Cheese and a lot of pepper, simple but delicious. My boyfriend had a huge plate of Spaghetti with Meatballs and he loved it! If you love vegetables like me, don't forget to try the artichokes.
Baffeto 2, is not very fancy but has a delicious Fiori di Zucca Pizza, made with zucchini flowers and lots of cheese, very special and yummy. The staff is very friendly and you can eat easily at any hour, late in the evening like 11:30 p.m. or at strange hours to have lunch, like we did at 5:30 p.m. A very convenient place to eat located in the central area of the city, near the lovely Campo dei Fiori.

5. The People and the Weather

What surprised me the most was the kindness of people. I knew that Italians were very friendly, but the locals that I met exceeded my expectations. I personally prefer to stay in a apartment, because it's sometimes cheaper and more comfortable. Airbnb was a great choice as we found a beautiful apartment, the landlady was very warm and welcoming and she sorted out everything. We also met a young couple from Sicily, owners of the coffee shop down the street, that were absolutely adorable with us. 

Besides that, I was thrilled by the beautiful weather in Rome, I think that it's even warmer than Madrid. Humid and Mediterranean, the sun was shining everyday, as we went during the month of March at the period of the Wisteria blooms.


Piazza del Popolo


Fontana di Trevi

Foro Romano

Musei Capitolini and Monumento a Vittorio Emmanuelle II



Musei Capitolini

Basilica di San Pietro, The Vatican City

Piazza di San Pietro, City of Vatican

Vittoria District

Tiber River

The Pantheon

Palazzo Palatino

Palazzo Palatino

Villa Sciarra

Orto Botanico

Orto Botanico

Giardino degli Aranci

Orto Botanico

Orto Botanico

Cafe Settimiano

Grazie e Graziella

Grazie e Graziella

Osteria numero 6

Osteria numero 6

Osteria numero 6

Zucchini Flower Pizza at Buffeto 2

Grazie e Graziella

Osteria numero 6

Gelato alla Nocciola, Gelateria Comme Il Latte



Musei Capitolini

Orto Botanico

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