Tuesday 29 March 2016

The Wish List

I've recently read "The Wish List" by Jane Costello and this book inspired me to write this post.

Basically, the story is about a girl that would like to accomplish a list of things before she turn 30. I'm 29 now and it sounds silly, but I'm a little bit scared. I don't want to stop living in my twenties.
The past five years have been very difficult for me and confusing. I have to admit that I have also made a lot of mistakes, but I'm more than happy to have experienced all that, because all these events made me become the person that I am now. I have learnt that happiness and positivism is a choice and everyday I'm grateful for everything that I have in life. When I remember this, I forget all my past failures, the daily stress or the future problems.

This is a list with some of the things that I've stop doing, that I dream to do or that I would like to give a try.

1. Travel to a beautiful beach

I don't know if it's because I haven't had summer holidays for the past 3 years or due to my lack of sunbathing, after 7 years living in Paris, but I'm completely obsessed with summer and beautiful beaches. I would like to splurge some money on a trip to a heavenly wild place with my boyfriend.

2. Take guitar lessons

I don't know why I want to learn how to play the guitar. The truth is that I know nothing about musical theory or instruments, but I really want to give it a try. I would like to learn some musical chords and who knows, maybe one day I will play and sing at the same time a full song. 

3. Start a Youtube Channel

This scares me a lot, because I'm very shy and talking in front of a camera and upload a video will be very hard for me, but I really want to do it and be creative finding always new things to talk about. I have to save a little bit to have a good camera and lighting because it's something that I have wanted to do for a long time, but I always find an excuse to postpone it.

4. To Volunteer

I also want to do more things for other people. I know it isn't easy, but it will mean a lot for me, even if it only affects one person, if I can help in some way I would be really happy. I'm truly blessed and I feel the need to give to others my time or whatever might be helpful for others. I think it can be a beautiful experience in life.

5. Adopt an animal

I love animals, they are one of my favourite things in my life. I have a dog and he gives me so much joy, it's incredible. I love to take care of him, but there are so many pets that aren't so lucky and they don't have loving owners to live with. That's why I would like to adopt a rescue dog or a cat.

6. Take more pictures

For years I've been very lazy and shy to take as much pictures as I wanted. It's a pity, because there are some periods of my life with no pictures to remember all the great moments that I have lived. I want to take more pictures from now on and capture all the spontaneous and magical moments.

7. Horseback riding

As I said, I love animals and when I was a teenager, horseback riding was everything to me. I used to spend all my weekends doing this or taking care of the horses. It's a sport that requires a lot of time to invest in. Now, as an adult with a more tight schedule I have to find a way to enjoy again this beautiful hobby.

8. Enjoy life

I want to do an effort to appreciate more life. I want to be less self-critical and be happy with everything that this wonderful life offers. I want to be everyday the best version of myself.


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